Monday, January 24, 2011

En route to Pole

After some flight delays in Christchurch we finally left at 2100 local time on Friday, January 21. At around 0230 we landed on the Pegasus airfield in MCM. From there it was about a 1 hr drive to Mc Murdo station in the Ivan track, past some penguins and the green-painted base of New Zealand's Scott station. After arrival we were welcomed and briefed at the NSF chalet. After a brief breakfast in the galley of McMurdo station we got back onto a van to Pegasus and continued our voyage to the Pole. It was quite unusual that we caught a plane to Pole (NPX) the same day. We boarded the plan at 1045 and by 1400 we made it to the Pole where IceCube colleagues and friends welcomed us. It was a long day.

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